How to Make Aromatherapy Oil for Grieving

How to Make Aromatherapy Oil for Grieving

Traumatic experiences cause powerful chemical reactions in the brain which can evoke numerous strong emotions. Nature provides us with a variety of natural oils that can soothe our emotions and help us to heal. Grieving can be difficult to handle. However, a specially blended aromatherapy oil might provide some comfort and relief.

Things You'll Need:

6-oz. dark glass bottle

Small pot of water

3 tbsp. sweet almond oil

2 tbsp. jojoba oil

1 tsp. Vitamin E oil

15 drops bergamot essential oil

10 drops jasmine essential oil

5 drops petitgrain essential oil


Sterilize. Remove the lid of the bottle and put both into a small pan of water. Bring the water to a rolling boil and wait for 1 minute before turning off the heat. Let the water cool and then remove the bottle and lid, turning them upside-down to dry.


Pour into your bottle: 3 tbsp. of sweet almond oil, 2 tbsp. of jojoba oil, 1 tsp. of vitamin E oil, 15 drops of bergamot essential oil, 10 drops of jasmine essential oil and 5 drops of petitgrain essential oil.


Place the lid firmly on the bottle and shake the contents gently to mix. You can use the remedy immediately, but shake the bottle 2 or 3 times a day for the first 3 days to ensure complete blending.

Tips & Warnings

Select fresh carrier oils and essential oils for a prolonged shelf life. Keep the oils and your finished aromatherapy oil in a cool, dark place in dark glass containers.